Nyc Animal Care and Control Shelter

"We need another and a wiser and perhaps a more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man in civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his knowledge and sees thereby a feather magnified and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves. And therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older and more complete than ours they move finished and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost or never attained, living by voices we shall never hear. They are not brethren, they are not underlings; they are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time, fellow prisoners of the splendour and travail of the earth."

Henry Beston, The Outermost House

The HSNY Earns the
Seal of Excellence

Independent Charities of American seal

Of the 1,000,000 charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 50,000, or 5 percent, meet or exceed these standards, and, of those, fewer than 2,000 have been awarded this Seal.

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4-Star Charity Navigator Logo

Supporters should know that efficient management (by a superior staff of professionals working with a non-salaried President, Board of Directors and volunteers) allows an impressive 92.95% of all monies raised to go directly into program activities.

About the HSNY

Front of the HSNY building

We are proud to have been green for many years.

Brown dog sits in front of painted dog in the Rowsby Dog Pavilion

The Alpha Workshop original murals grace our Rowsby Dog Pavilion.

Senior woman sitting on bed kisses visiting HSNY dog

One of many visits by the Humane Society of New York to the Hebrew Home. It was a day enjoyed by all! See more photos of our visits.

Retired white carriage horse relaxes in field

For many years, the Humane Society of New York had a program to help place retiring carriage horses. Click here to view photos of past adoptions.

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a serious illness that affects both people and animals. Please speak to your veterinarian to make sure your cats and dogs are protected. Again, this is a very serious, potentially life-threatening illness.

Puppy Mills

There are too many animals who have no home to go to and will never have a home to go to. Please neuter and don't breed.

Learn about Puppy Mills

A Tribute

Here we are, over a year into this painful and terrible time, but we are slowly coming through it. The Society has gone to great lengths and taken every precaution to keep our staff and everyone safe. We have been steadily busy, as our doors have remained open every day. No matter what is going on around them, the animals still need medical care and comfort.

People from all walks of life have suddenly found themselves with no income. For the first time they have had to ask for help for their pets, which we try very hard to provide to all who turn to us.

A litter box taped closed and tied in a trash bag trapping a sick cat inside

This is the box she was found in

As we pause and reflect on the hundreds of animals that we treated this year, we choose to share two stories of a dog and a cat. We want to think of the kindhearted man who was walking his dog in the rain and heard mewing sounds coming from a pile of garbage. His dog was barking and laser-focused on a certain spot. The man knew there was a live animal in there. He called his friend who was a cat rescuer, and she came over right away.

The woman started digging through the debris and followed the sounds to one large black trash bag. Inside the bag was a litter box with a lid. The opening where a cat could go in or out had been sealed with a piece of cardboard. Duct tape was wrapped round and round the plastic box from top to bottom, making sure that it would not open.

The woman tore off the cardboard to find a black-and-white cat sitting in an inch of water. The woman was amazed at how friendly she was. This sweet old cat, someone's pet, was simply put outside for sanitation to take her away.

Instead of taking her to a vet or surrendering her to a shelter, the person chose to put her in the garbage.

The cat was in terrible condition. Her fur was mostly hard clumps of matted hair, soaked in urine. The woman took her right away to another animal hospital. They did some testing, put the cat on pain medication and ultimately recommended that she bring the cat to us. We did a medical workup, and an abdominal ultrasound revealed an inoperable situation. It is heartbreaking to say that we were presented with a terminally ill animal.

We didn't even know the poor cat's name.

We wish we could say that she had a happy ending. It was upsetting for all of us to deal with. To honor her memory, we chose to tell her story. She deserved a gentler and softer world. We were consoled that we were at least able to provide her some care and affection in her last days.

COVID Services

As the Covid-19 situation evolves we at the Humane Society of New York must take important steps to ensure the health of our patients, our staff and the community. We are notifying you that we are significantly restricting access to the hospital as part of our commitment to deliver medical care.

a veterinarian carries a large dog with cone out the door

  • Our hospital remains open for urgent cases and wellness appointments.
  • For safety measures, no one other than staff is allowed to enter our building, and clients must wear face masks. We are taking pets at the front door and speaking to their owners on their phones during the exams.
  • We have introduced telemedicine as another choice of service.
  • Our Adoption Department is closed to the public. Adoptions are by appointment only. We invite you to complete an application online.

a veterinarian consults via telemedicine

This protocol will continue for the foreseeable future. We apologize for any inconvenience this disaster policy may cause, and we hope you understand we did not make these decisions lightly or without considerable thought. These are difficult but necessary steps intended to keep everyone safe as we manage the Covid-19 crisis.

a veterinarian examines a small dog during a clinic visit


A basset hound is examined by a veterinarian

Getting checked out before surgery

We received a call from a man who needed medical help for his ten-year-old dog. His neighborhood vet was closed because of COVID and they advised him to contact us. He had discovered a growth on Chumley's back and it was getting bigger every day. The owner couldn't manage him on a bus and he didn't have money to take a taxi. By the time he was able to get to us the growth had enlarged enormously and was bleeding. For traveling, he put one of his tee-shirts on him to act as a bandage.

As part of our medical work-up we found that Chumley could barely walk because of the condition of his nails. They were so overgrown they were curling over and piercing into his foot pads. He calmly let us examine him and never put up a fuss.

We performed surgery on the good-natured basset hound and removed the entire tumor. Thankfully, all of the biopsies came back as benign. Now back at home, his owner reports that Chumley is active and playful again, and thanked us for helping him during this challenging time.

It's important that pet owners have a place that they can trust and turn to. We understand that animals are their family, maybe their only family, and it is important to everyone to keep your family well. The pets are their joy, their pleasure, and very often their support system. Their animal is depending on them, and they are depending on us.

COVID Message

A cat is examined by veterinarian

To advise you of our activities since the beginning of this terrible period dealing with COVID-19. We never closed our doors.

Many veterinary hospitals and other animal organizations haven't been fully operational. As a result, we are handling our regular patients plus all these additional cases.

We are doing the daily work of helping those that need help; those owners who may need financial support. More and more we are seeing people from all walks of life that have just lost their jobs and their income, and don't know when they will be employed again. They know that they can turn to us when their pets need medical attention.

The Society is a lifeline that people need and trust. Please know that your support, now more than ever, is greatly appreciated.

a beagle dog ets examined by a veterinarian a cat is operated on by a veterinarian surgeon

Rescue Me!

Four cute puppies sit in a row Photo by Richard Phibbs

Regardless of who you are or where you come from, you could find yourself needing help.

Cute fluffy dog with tongue out and the text Rescue Me

Richard Phibbs' many photo shoots with HSNY adoption animals have created lovely portraits. These photos have been seen all over the world, inspiring shelters everywhere to do the same. Richard Phibbs' book Rescue Me featuring HSNY dogs and cats is available on Amazon.

The Metro Section of the New York Times showcased the book in the article: "Gilded Gift-Giving: The City That Leaps From the Page".

"Witnessing Phibbs and his crew devote equal effort to the shelter and its animals - clients who couldn't even begin to generate the kind of fees Phibbs' talent commands... told the story best. If anyone needed Phibbs' caliber of PR and an eye towards revealing a soul's inner beauty- it was the loyal animals who had suffered from their human's misfortunes. These former family pets needed a head shot and a good publicist –Phibbs provided both."

-Dr. Pia Salk, onsight for one of the Phibbs' photo shoots

Cute sitting dog and standing cat pose side by side Toby and Lafayette photographed by our good friend Richard Phibbs in the HSNY Adoption Center. View our Adoptable Animals

Humane Medal

Sir David Frederick Attenborough

The Humane Society of New York's 2020 Humane Medal recipient is
Sir David Frederick Attenborough,for the film,
David Attenborough:
A Life on Our Planet,
and for his lifetime of work.

HSNY Humane Medal with green and white ribbon

"The fact is that no species has ever had such wholesale control over everything on earth, living or dead, as we now have. That lays upon us, whether we like it or not, an awesome responsibility. In our hands now lies not only our own future, but that of all other living creatures with whom we share the earth."

-David Attenborough

Humane Medal

Our Wish

Our wish for all animals, everywhere, is a safe place to lay their heads at night.

Virginia Chipurnoi, President

Home should be a safe haven but sadly for some animals it is the opposite, a place where they are neglected, forgotten or disposed of. Only a very small number of dogs and cats remain in one home their whole lives. 90% are given away, or are victims of loss, theft, or abandonment. They must cope with the confusion, fear and loneliness that follow. We deal with these issues every day, the enormous amount of medical care we provide in our hospital, rehabilitating and placing animals safely, stopping this turnover and finding the home the animals will be able to spend the rest of their lives in.

Willis 2006-2020

Willis the dog lying on the desk

We are heartbroken to let everyone know that our beloved mascot of 14 years, Willis, passed away.

Til we meet again, dear Willis. You will always live on in our hearts.

Past Events

Enjoy Bergdorf Goodman's "Unleashed" as it brings back happy memories of past holiday seasons.


The HSNY is concerned for all animals and their well-being; we have provided care for exotic pets and wildlife.

George the swan arching his neck

George the swan was sick with a bacterial infection. After receiving medical care at our hospital, he was able to return to his mate, Gladys, and the sanctuary.

Watch Gladys as she is reunited with George after he completed his medical treatment at the HSNY.

Nyc Animal Care and Control Shelter


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